WHAT WORKS is an initiative led by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, with funding from Dormant Accounts, to support a move towards evidence informed prevention and early intervention services for children, young people and their families.
WHAT WORKS is about working together to ensure that Ireland is one of the best countries in the world for our children and young people to grow up.
WHAT WORKS is about bringing together, sharing, questioning and using all the evidence we have about what works to improve children and young people’s lives today so that they may have brighter tomorrows.
WHAT WORKS is about fostering persistent curiosity amongst those working to improve the lives of children and young people in Ireland.
WHAT WORKS is about supporting those working with and for children, young people and their families in doing the right things, in the right way and at the right time.
It’s good to share. Learn WHAT WORKS

Easy access and effective use of data is critical to improving children and young people's lives. Effective use of data can be a powerful tool to build stronger services for children and young people, and ensure the appropriate allocation of resources.

Designing policies, services, programmes or interventions that help improve children and young people's lives is not easy. Evidence of what has worked in the past, in particular places and with particular resources can help us in our decisions.

Easy access to data and evidence about what works in improving children's lives is only part of the jigsaw. It is the start of a conversation, not the end. Professional judgement, experience and practice wisdom is central to understanding the story behind the data and evidence.