What Works Ireland Evidence Hub

The What Works Ireland Evidence Hub provides information about prevention and early intervention programmes that have been evaluated and shown to improve outcomes for children and young people. The Evidence Hub is the first tool of its kind in Ireland, developed by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in conjunction with What Works for Early Intervention and Children’s Social Care (WWEICSC).
The Evidence Hub will increase access to effective prevention and early intervention programmes by making the best evidence on ‘What Works’ available to policymakers, service commissioners, providers and other audiences. Featured programmes are listed under the 5 National Outcomes for Children and Young People developed under Better Outcome, Brighter Futures (Ireland’s national policy framework for children and young people which ran from 2014-2020).
Through a rigorous evaluation process, WWEICSC rates the strength of evidence for each programme’s impact and relative costs. The Evidence Hub features an Evidence Rating and Cost Rating for each programme, as well as a wealth of information on how the programme works and how it is delivered, and the conditions that can make a programme more likely to be effective.
The Evidence Hub includes over 100 prevention and early intervention programmes. It now features five additional programmes provided in Ireland.
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