
New funding for drug prevention and education programmes
The Department of Health is advertising a call for applications to a new funding programme which has been designed to strengthen the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and the associated harms among children and young people. This funding programme will be open to Drug and Alcohol Taskforces, HSE/Community Healthcare Organisations (CHOs), the community … Continued
Alcohol Forum Ireland Workshops
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (PAE) and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Trying Differently Rather Than Harder: Introductory Workshops for Parents and Caregivers (2.5 hours) This workshop will provide a brief overview and awareness building about PAE/FASD in the home. Because the structure and function of the brains of those with PAE/FASD are different, the … Continued
What Works Ireland Evidence Hub: Call for submission of programmes in prevention and early intervention
This call for submissions has closed. The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) is working with the Early Intervention Foundation (EIF) to develop the What Works Ireland Evidence Hub of prevention and early intervention programmes. The What Works Ireland Evidence Hub will be an online tool designed to increase access to effective … Continued
What Works Festival of Learning 2022 – Save the dates
The What Works Festival of Learning takes place again this year from Monday November 21st to Thursday November 24th. The theme of this year’s Festival is ‘Partners in Prevention’ highlighting best practice in collaboration and partnership in policy and services for children and young people. The Festival of Learning is an initiative from the Department of Children, Equality, … Continued
New online resource to support decision-making in policy and services for children and young people
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) is working with the Early Intervention Foundation to develop the What Works Ireland Evidence Hub of prevention and early intervention programmes. The Hub is an initiative of the What Works Programme, which supports the use of evidence in both policy and practice for children and … Continued
What Works Learning Together Fund – news from grant holders
The What Works Learning Together Fund was launched in May 2021 to promote increased understanding and use of evidence-informed approaches to prevention and early intervention services for children, young people and their families. 27 different projects from community and voluntary sectororganisations across Ireland received once-off funding. Successful grant holders recorded and submitted videos to What … Continued
What Works Sharing Knowledge Fund
Minister O’Gorman announces What Works ‘Sharing Knowledge’ Fund. Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman T.D, is pleased to announce a €200,000 ‘Sharing Knowledge’ Fund, which will be rolled out as part of the What Works initiative and funded through Dormant Accounts Funding. The aim of the Fund is to support professionals … Continued