This website provides information on funding measures which support the objectives of the What Works initiative in promoting evidence informed approaches to prevention and early intervention services for children, young people and their families.

What Works Building Evidence Fund
The Building Evidence Fund was launched in 2023, and was open to practitioners and service providers working in not-for-profit organisations who work with children, young people and their families. Not-for-profit organisations were invited to submit applications for funding of up to €50,000 for prevention and early intervention projects that would identify gaps in service provision and develop skills for effective monitoring, evaluation and analysis of prevention and early intervention services. The total value of the fund was €635,287.
The Fund further aimed to help those working with children, young people and families to access training on collecting, research and analysis that improves outcomes for children and young people.
For further information about grantees and their projects, please visit here.
What Works Sharing Knowledge Fund
The Sharing Knowledge fund was launched in 2022 with Dormant Accounts Funds. €409,000 was awarded across 25 organisations.
The aim of the Fund was to support professionals working in children, youth, and family services with their learning requirements, peer interaction, project collaborations and knowledge dissemination.
The grantee organisations addressed a range of service needs, including family support, early learning and childcare, education, mental health, parenting support, domestic, sexual and gender based violence services, equality, inclusion and human rights and supporting those with a disability.
For further information about grantees and their projects, please visit here.