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What Works Action Learning Programme – Taster Events

On Tuesday, 15 February and Wednesday, 16 February, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth hosted free taster events for its upcoming What Works Action Learning Programme.

These taster events were provided under the What Works initiative and the Department was delighted to host over 80 participants from diverse working backgrounds. The events allowed participants to get a sense of what will be offered under the Action Learning Programme and provided an introduction to the facilitators, Liz Hayes and Marie Carroll from Corporate Communities. It also created a space for participants to share expertise and build networks and connections.

The What Works Action Learning Programme will be open to all who share the commitment to work to improve outcomes for children and young people in Ireland. It will require participants to meet regularly to solve common problems without the intervention of experts. The process of action learning involves working on stubborn and often complex challenges. While it follows the well-known learning cycle (action, reflection, planning, new actions), it uses the power of small groups to help participants to innovate by generating fresh questions, insights and ways of resolving practice problems. Known as ‘sets’, the groups usually comprise a small group of members who meet at regular intervals to consider issues and progress. The structure of a set is simple, with an emphasis on members being honest with themselves and others and a willingness to listen carefully to what others are saying.

If you are interested in Action Learning, more details can be found here.

Registration for the Action Learning Programme will soon open and further information will be made available on