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Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020

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Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures 2014-2020 is the whole-of-government national policy framework for children and young people.

It is a clear, comprehensive statement setting out how we intend to achieve the best for children, young people and families.

It applies to all government departments and agencies; along with statutory and non-statutory organisations that work with, and for, children and young people.

It sets out five National Outcomes for children and young people.  These are the overarching and unifying outcomes structuring policy for children and young people across government, agencies, and sectors which have a role and remit for working with children and young people.

national outcomes

To ensure more children and young people achieve these outcomes, six transformational goals have been identified as key areas that, with focused and collective effort, have the potential to transform the effectiveness of existing policies, services and resources.

The 6 transformational goals for achieving the national outcomes

The implementation of Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures is led by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, and includes a highly-developed implementation infrastructure with significant involvement across the statutory, community and voluntary sectors.

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