A series of events about collaboration and partnership in prevention and early intervention for children and families. Book your place using the links below.

Join MC Áine Kerr for a series of lively conversations, new thinking and practical takeaways in policy and services for children and young people. Watch the 2021 Festival here.
Programme of Events
Event One:
In person/online
‘Partners in Prevention: Launch’

Monday November 21st
11:00am – 12:30pm
Join some of the key partners in prevention and early intervention in Ireland, including practitioners, policy makers, parents and the organisations which work with them.
Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman TD will launch the series, and we will hear from Hanna Vseviov, Deputy Secretary at the Department of Social Affairs in Estonia. Join us in person for some networking, or watch through the livestream.
Event Two:
Online only
‘Partners in Policy: Prevention & early intervention in policy’

Wednesday November 23rd
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Policy initiatives which aim to improve the lives of children and families require policy makers to work across different government departments, sectors and with wider society.
During this event, Dr Wadih Maalouf from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) will talk about the importance of families as partners in prevention strategies. A panel of contributors from Ireland will share their experience of embedding prevention and collaboration into policy design and implementation.
Event Three:
Online only
‘Partners in Practice: Prevention & early intervention in practice’

Thursday November 24th
12:00pm – 1:00pm
What Works supports practitioners and their organisations to collaborate and to share knowledge and best practice.
This event will hear from Kevin Webster, Senior Manager, Prevention, Partnership and Family Support in Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, along with other stakeholders, and organisations funded through the What Works Sharing Knowledge Fund, to hear their experience and what helps to put collaboration into practice.