What is Freedom of Information?
Freedom of Information, or FOI, refers to rights provided to every person under the Freedom of Information Act 2014. This Act provides that from 21st April 1998 (when the Freedom of Information Act 1997 became operative) every person has the following rights:
- The right to obtain access to information held by Public Bodies including Government Departments;
- The right to have personal information held on them corrected or updated where such information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading; and
- The right to be given reasons for decisions taken by public bodies that affect them.
These rights mean that people can seek access to personal information held on them – no matter when the information was created – and to other records created after 21st April 1998. In certain circumstances records created before 21st April 1998 may be accessible particularly if these records are required to assist in understanding records created after the Act commenced on 21st April, 1998.
What records can be requested?
Under the Acts, the following records may be accessible:
- All records created after the Act commenced on 21st April 1998
- All personal records regardless of when they were created
- All staff records created after 21st April 1995. Staff records created before 21st April 1995 may, in certain circumstances, also be accessible
How do I make a Freedom of Information Request to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs?
You should send a request in writing to:
Dept. of Children and Youth Affairs
Block 1, Miesian Plaza, 50-58 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2. D02 XWI4, Freepost F5055
Your request should include the following:
- A statement that the request is being made under the FOI Acts;
- As much information as possible about the records being sought;
- In what format you wish to receive any records released (e.g. photocopies)
- The appropriate fee
Fees and Charges
There is no initial application fee payable when lodging an FOI request.
Charges may be applied for the time spent finding records and for any photocopying costs incurred by the Department in providing you with the material requested. Details of these will be notified to you in writing. There are no charges if the time spent finding the records is under five hours.
More information is available on the Department of Children and Youth Affairs website.